Ch-1 nutrition in plants and animals.
1.most crops require a lot of nitrogen to make proteins. For this the bacterium rhizobium help the crops to get nitrogen .which of the following statements is incorrect fo rhizobium?(a)it converts atmospheric nitrogen into a soluble form that the plants can absorb.
(b)it can make its own food
(c)it lives in the roots of leguminious plants.
(d)leguminous plants provide food and shelter to rhizobium.
2.a person having a liver that does not function properly may have a difficulty in digesting…
3.the small intestine is smaller in diameter than larfeintestine.the length of small intestine and large intestine is nearly…
(a)7.5 and 1.5 metres
(b)7.5 and 7 metres
(c)1.5 and 7 metres
(d)1.5 and 1.5 metres
4.on the basis of food habits,the organism in the given figure is a
(b)partial parasite
5.part of our balance diet which is neither body building nor energy providing but still impotant for proper functioning of our body is…
6.two foods having lots of starch are…
(a)potato and wheat
(b)bread and milk
(c)meat and banana
(d)butter and groundnut
7.which of the following cannot be proved experimentally?
(a)light is necessary for photosynthesis
(b)chlorophyll is necessary for photosynthesis
(c)co2 is necessary for photosynthesis
(d)none of the above
8.oxygen is liberated during the process of…
(d)evaporation fad is…
(a)incorrect and unscientific idea about food
(b)right interpretation about balanced food
(c)another name for balanced diet
(d)a type of poison.
10.the given parts of the plant help out in…
(d)all of the above
11.a food sample is taken in a test tube and few drops of iodine were added to it.the solution turned blue black.this suggests that the food sample contains…
12.given below are the steps in animal nutrition.arrange them as they occur inside the body.
13.digestion of fat in our body is faster than that of proteins or carbohydrates.the statement is…
(d)either (b) or (c)
14.a unicellular organism having contractile vacuoles,oral groove,food vacuole and in which ingestion of food takes place with the help of cilia is…
Ch-2 fibre to fabric
1.match the two columns and select the correct option from those the codes given below.
Column 1 ------ column 2
(a)clothing material (1)nylon
(b)twisted fibre (2)fabric
(c)synthetic fibre (3)yarn
(d)animal fibre (4)cotton
(e)plant fibre (5)silk
2.bharat merino is a sheep which yields fine wool used for clothing . this breed was evolved at the central sheep and wool research institute,which is located in…
(b)jammu and Kashmir
3.silkworm loves to eat ( )leaves at ( ) stage.
4.fine hair-like structures that form continous filaments or threads are called as…
(d)both (B) and (C)
5.when u burn a piece of wool, a special type of smell comes out.this bcoz wool is obtained from animal hair which are made up of…
6.natural fibres are…
(a)plant fibres
(b)wood fibres
(c)animal fibres
(d)all of these
7.a Tibetan antelope yields a kind of wool which is considered to be the world finest and warmest the brand of wool nd the antelope from which it is obtained?
(d)grease wool-chinkara
8.sheep shearing is a process by which the fleece on the body of a sheep is removed.the method of shearing was devised by…
(b)Nicola tesla
(c)godfrey bowen
(d)Stephen hawking
9.a very expensive but fine fibre is obtained from a goat found in mountains of china and Tibet that grows fine fur-like hair on its body during severe winter months.what brand of wool is obtained from this goat?
10 .the properties below describe which of the following fabrics?
• Cool to wear
• Absorbs water easily
• Soft to touch
• Creases easily
• Can be washed and ironed easily
11.which fabric particularly needs to be stored with an insect repellent?
(A)cotton shirts
(b)silk sarees
(c)nylon socks
12.which fabric can be used to put off fire in case of an emergency?
(a)cotton bedsheet
(b)silk saree
(c)woolen blanket
(d)all of these
13.which of the following two terms are related to silk production?
(A)sericulture and floriculture
(b)floriculture and moriculture
(c)apiculture and silviculture
(d)sericulture and moriculture
14.find the odd one out among the following animals on the basis of type of fibres obtained from them.
Ch-3 Heat
1.heat flows always:-(a)from hotter body to a colder body
(b)from colder to a hotter body
(c)in both the directions
(d)never flows from one body to the other the device which is used to measure the degree of coldness or hotness of an object.
3.when a steel rod is heated , it becomes…
(c)a little longer
(d)a little shorter
4.a thermos flask prevents loss or gain of heat by…
(a)conduction only
(b)convection only
(c)radiation only
(d)all of these
5.when you put a metal key in its metal lock,you find the key is too tight.which of the following methods will you adopt to make the key fit properly?
(a)heat the key and lock
(b)cool the key and heat the lock
(c)heat the key and cool the lock
(d)cool the key and lock
6.of the pairs of substances given below,which one contains only good conductors of heat ?
(a)wood and iron
(b)iron and glass
(c)iron and copper
(d)copper and glass
7.telephone wires are always hung loosely between two poles to allow for…
(a)messages to be sent
(b)the flow of electricity
(c)expansion and contraction
(d)lightning to travel to the ground.
8.amit found that a glass P was stuck inside another glass Q.what could he do to separate the two glasses
(a)pour hot water into glass P and put glass Q in hot water
(b) pour hot water into glass P and put glass Q in cold water
(c) pour cold water into glass P and put glass Q in cold water
(d) pour cold water into glass P and put glass Q in hot water
9.mercury is used as a thermometer substance because…
(a)it is very costly
(b)it expands less than glass
(c)it does not wet the wall of the glass tube
(d)none of the above
10.liquid thermometer is based upon the principle of heat transfer through…
(c)expansion of liquid
(d)none of these
11.which one is correct relation between c and f?
12.the normal temperature of human body is…
(a)47 degree celcius
(b) 25 degree celcius
(c) 37 degree celcius
(d) 60 degree celcius
13.four boxes made of different materials are left under the sun for half an hour.which one of the boxes will be the hottest after half an hour?
14.heat causes expansion because…
(a)heat occupies space
(b)of increase of movement of molecules
(c)matter tries to escape from the heat
(d)none of these
Ch-4 Acids, bases and Salts
1.based on which of the following changes is an indicator useful?
(b)physical state
2.why are acids always stored in glass containers and not in metallic ones?
(a)glass containers are transparent
(b)glass containers are cheaper
(c)metal containers are not easily available
(d)metal reacts with the acids stored in them
3.identify the acid-base reaction from the following.
(a)NaCl + H2oNaOH + HCl
(b)CaCO3 + H2O Ca(OH)2 +CO2
(c)NaOH + HClNaCl + H2O
(d)CuSo4 + Zn ZnSO4 + Cu.
4.neha was performing an experiment bare handed.after the experiment was over,she realized that her palms became slippery and slimy.what do you think is the reason for it?
(a)she must have dropped NaOH on her hands
(b) she must have dropped H2SO4 on her hands
(c) she must have dropped NaCl on her hands
(d)none of these
5.ravi took a paper blotted with solution x. he dipped the paper in lime water and observed that the colour of lime water turned brownish red. What do you think the paper wass blotted with?
(a)red litmus solution
(b)methyl red solution
(c)turmeric solution
(d)phenolphthalein solution
6. read the following statements :
(1.) it is a reaction between an acid and a base.
(2.) salt and water are produced in this reaction
(3.)it is an exothermic reaction
Which reaction is being reffered to?
(a)displacement reaction
(b)neutralization reaction
(c)redox reaction
(d)decomposition reaction
7.the damaging effect of acid rain is caused due to…
(a)carbonic acid
(b)sulphuric acid
(c)nitric acid
(d)all of these
8. a certain solution, when added drop wise to phenolphthalein solution, gives a pink colour.what do u infer about its pH?
(a)pH < 7 (b)pH = 7 (c)pH > 7
(d)none of these do you think a soil should be treated ,to which excessive chemical fertilizers have been added?
(a)such asoil can be treated by adding base
(b) such asoil can be treated by adding CaO
(c) such asoil can be treated by adding Ca(OH)2
(d)all of these
10.a colorless liquid turns blue litmus red and reacts with magnesium to produce a gas. What type of substance must the colorless liquid be?
(a) Acidic
(d)Both (b) & (c)
11.alkalies are…
(a) Bases which are insoluble in water.
(b) Bases which are soluble in water.
(c) Acids which are soluble in water.
(d) Acids which are insoluble in water.
12.what must be administered to someone who has been stung by an ant?
(a)sodium hydrogen carbonate
(d)none of these
13.if OH- ions are more than H+ ions in a solution ,then the solution is…
(d)none of these
14.each cell in our body contains this acid which controls every feature of the body .this acid is…
(a)RNA (b)DNA
(c)TNA (d)WNA
CH-5 physical and chemical changes
1.a physical change is named so bcoz…
(a)only change in physical properties take place
(b)energy transfer takes place
(c)it is reversible
(d)all of these
2. 1àgrowth of seed to a tree
2àformation of dew on leaves
3àburning of a sparkler
Which of these represent a chemical change?
(a)1 & 2
(d) all of these the correct statement:..:--
(a)crystallization is a chemical change
(b)digestion is a chemical change
(c)burning of paper is a temporary change
(d)a reversible change is always chemical
4.what happens when steam gets condensed?
(a)a new substance is formed
(b)no new substance is formed
(c)water gets converted from vapour phase to liquid phase
(d)both(a) & (b)
5.acetic acid + sodium carbonate à(1)
(1)+Ca(OH)2 à(2)+water
.a chemical reaction in which heat is given out is
(a)exothermic reaction
(b)endothermic reaction
(c)decomposition reaction
(d)neutralization reaction
7.what causes the candle flame to get extinguished?
(a)evolution of O2 gas
(b)evolution of CO2 gas
(c)formation of Ca(OH)2
(d)formation of CaCl2
8.what happen when we cut the apples and keep the slices
exposed to air for sometime?
(a)the colour of the cut surface becomes brown
(b)the change in colour is due to chemical reaction
between air and enzymes
(c)both(A) & (B)
(d)none od these
9.what is the best method to prevent rusting?
10.mark the correct statement…
(a)burning of coal does not produce a new substance
(b)rust is hydrated Fe2O3
(c)the fizz that comes out when a soda bottle is opened
is due to a chemical change.
(d)respiration is a physical process
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